Massachusetts Teachers AssociationThe Massachusetts Teachers Association is a union, dedicated to improving the workplace and the quality of life for all education employees and to protecting their hard-won rights. Equally important, we are an association of highly qualified professionals, committed to establishing and maintaining optimal conditions for student learning from preschool through graduate school.
National Education Association
The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.
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The SEA Executive Board's goal is to increase member activity through communication/listening so that SEA membership develops and shares power to obtain and ensure the working conditions necessary to guarantee a quality public education for all students in Springfield.
Vice President
Michael Przybylek
Professional Relations Associate
Interim Recording Secretary
Cedric Cunningham
Caity Welz
Roberto Christian
Retired Member-at-Large
The COPE Committee functions as the liaison between Association members, School Committee, City Council, and state representatives and senators. They lobby for educational issues and keep members informed about important political decisions being made in education.
The Finance Committee is chaired by the Vice President. The committee meets to create and then recommend the yearly budget. This recommendation is voted upon by the Executive and Legislative Boards for approval.
The Grievance Committee works to defend and protect the working rights of the bargaining unit members. The committee develops Association positions on all matters pertaining to the rights of Association members especially academic freedom, professional and personal leaves, administrative discipline and dismissal, and grievance procedures and complies data for the support of these positions in negotiations. The SEA has a full-time Professional Relations staff person who is also the grievance chairperson. The grievance chairperson oversees all grievances.
The Scholarship Committee reviews applications for the Meline Kasparian, Peter Dupuis, and Joan Cormack Scholarships, and determines the recipients based on a scoring system. Reviewers are not informed of the identities of the individual applicants until scoring is finalized.
The Superintendent's Committee is a committee of five teachers appointed by the President, representing a cross section of membership, who meet with the Superintendent once a month. The purpose of this committee is to discuss matters of educational policy, curriculum, and improvements of educational climate in the Springfield Public Schools.
The SEA Retirees Committee meets once a month to promote and strengthen our mission of demonstrating what our unions (SEA, MTA, NEA) are doing for teachers. Our team has created Tools 4 Teaching, a recycling store for teachers. We accept classroom resources from retiring teachers, organize them, and distribute them at no cost, to current teachers. During this process, retirees listen, empathize, and validate through action, the importance of the union/teacher connection at all levels of our profession.
Phone (413) 782-8300
Springfield Education Association
450 Cottage Street, Suite 5
Springfield, MA 01104