You should always carefully check your paystub carefully to make sure you are being paid correctly, that your deductions for health insurance (if you chose to get it through the city,) any stipends you are entitled to and sick time are being recorded acurately. To calculate if your pay matches the contractual pay listed in the contract, take your gross pay and multiply it by 22 weeks or 26 weeks depending on how you elected to receive your pay over the course of the year.
You have to complete you 15th, 20th, or 25th year to receive longevity.
Areas that are considered critical needs are Math, Science, SPED and ELL educators. In order to receive a critical needs stipend you must be teaching in that position all day and be licensed in that area.
The Massachusetts Teachers Retirement System website is a useful resource for answering retirement questions.
If you do not have a DESE license you are part of the municipal retirement system.
You get 10 sick days every year on the first day of work. If you use less than four the following year you get ten plus five additional days. Certain absences do not count toward the four days such as personal, religious, some bereavement, check the contract for details. Remember, if this is your first year in Springfield Public Schools you will donate one of your days to the sick bank so you only have 9 for the year.
Any member in good standing is eligible for up to 30 days from the sick bank. To access the sick bank you must submit a doctor's note with a letter explaining the request to HR.
Phone (413) 782-8300
Springfield Education Association
450 Cottage Street, Suite 5
Springfield, MA 01104